Friday 30 September 2011

Denim Special

If you've been there form the start you will know of an entry on denim (Quilted Arcs) in which I touched on the environmental issues of denim itself. I decided that as the last post in September 2011, I'd look more into what can be done with cotton,
how it could be customised, reused or recycled.

Below are photos by Liz, a fellow student artist and friend:
Showing thick cotton stitch above,
of which Liz isn't a fan of - but personally
I think the thick cotton used is quite interesting.
Need to find and buy a roll of it myself to try out on my sewing machine.
Amazing macro skills here.
Liz tells me she ripped the jeans
and then stitched the lace/net onto the reverse side of the jeans.
A round of applause for the fashion guru folks.
Ah nice ragged effects.
Never gets old.
This is a great example of what can be done with old raggedy jeans,
in a way that utilises simple stitch skills (like the running stitch).
The above are the little metal studs that
are used in the corners or borders of pockets on jeans
to reinforce the corner areas, known as copper rivets.

The use of green thread here is quite different,
I've yet to see another pair of jeans using green thread.
Also the idea of tie dye being a way of stopping dye
getting to parts of fabric was also used on this pair of jeans.
Though this process industrially often involves more energy being used up.
It can also be done to jeans at home with bleach (here a link to a tutorial on the process),
however their are precautions you should take,
wearing gloves is just one of them.
Just something I've been working on very slowly,
looking at stitching scraps onto old denim using a brightish cyan like blue.
A better photo of what I'm working on.

Ending on an idea:
why not put words on jeans?

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